Selasa, 10 Agustus 2010

[PER] success of my cats [3 Attachments]

[Attachment(s) from Piotr (Jantar*PL cattery) included below]

Hello everyone,
My happines in an International Cats Show  was not the end.
I had three cats and all my cats were the Best.
My male CH PL * Bagira Max A Million, JW was the best cat of all races.
On the first day he won the " BEST OF THE BEST I" second day "BEST OF THE BEST II"
My female Ark Star Easy to Love of Jantar * PL was the best female in category I.
She won "BIS FEMALE & BEST OPPOSITE SEX" (two days)
And my van with blue eyes
Purrinlot Blue Mirage of Jantar * PL won BEST PERSIAN KITTEN (two days)
Big thanks to breeders:
Iwona Pągowska, Marina Verjaskina, and Laura Thomas. For the fact that these beautiful cats live with me :)


Piotr Pardo

Jantar*PL (selcia) cattery from Poland

odd/blue eyes persian



Attachment(s) from Piotr (Jantar*PL cattery)

3 of 3 Photo(s)


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