Hi all,
now I have the newest pictures of my boy CFA PR/IntPR Silverdance Cloud Dreamer (black-smoke). The photographer Frank & Markus made these pictures of the CFA Show in Slovenia/Celje. Dreamer had many fun. Have a look please.
Also I have new pictures from CFA CH Silverdance Feeling Love Tonight of Jay (black-smoke). Thank you Jürgen & Ya for the pictures from the CFA Show in Thailand. Feeling is the young brother of Dreamer and received of one show in Bangkok his CFA Champion. Jürgen & Ya you have perfect groomed and showed my/your boy!
I have a new update of my website.
Hallo alle,
nun habe ich die neusten Bilder von meinen Jungen CFA PR/IntPR Silverdance Cloud Dreamer (black-smoke). Die Fotografen Frank & Markus machten diese Bilder auf der CFA Show in Slowenien/Celje. Dreamer hatte viel Spaß dabei. Schaut selbst.
Auch habe ich neue Bilder von CFA CH Silverdance Feeling Love Tonight of Jay (black-smoke). Vielen Dank Jürgen & Ya für die Bilder von der CFA Show in Thailand. Feeling ist der jüngere Bruder von Dreamer und erhielt auf einer Show in Bangkok seinen CFA Champion. Jürgen & Ya ihr habt meinen/Euren Jungen perfekt zurecht gemacht und geschowt!
Ich habe einen neuen Update auf meiner Webseite.
Best wishes
Persians in smoke, solid & cameo
CFA registered and FIV/FELV & PKD DNA negative cattery
Perser-Zuchtstandard: http://www.silverdance.de/Perser/Perser.htm
Persian-Breedstandard: http://www.silverdance.de/Perser/Persian.htm
CFA PR/Int.Pr. Silverdance Cloud Dreamer
8th place - CFA Premiership / smoke-shaded Division (worldwide)
2nd Best Smoke/Shaded Persian Premior
CFA International Division/Europe
for the 2008-2009 show season
8th place - CFA Premiership / smoke-shaded Division (worldwide)
2nd Best Smoke/Shaded Persian Premior
CFA International Division/Europe
for the 2008-2009 show season
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Attachment(s) from Silverdance
10 of 10 Photo(s)
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