Dear List members,
I am very quiet on the list because there is not much to report, our boys try to mate but boys and girls are young and not experienced
However, I want to share the newsletter from (God knows why I did subscribe this commercial letter) and there is this article about furniture scratching of cats written by PetPlace Veterinarians. I was VERY UPSET to find that "one of the ways" to solve this problem was to declaw the cat. Note that this newsletter says that "they are crazy about pets" but call a painful and reckless surgery "a way" .......
A few weeks ago the same newsletter asked the reader to vote whether declawing should be allowed or legally forbidden ...... seems they forget things and only look at the commercial side of their crazy love for pets.
I strongly believe that most (if not all) agree with me that declawing never should be done and, assuming the editor needs to mention the declawing as one way, he/she should have been VERY clear that is is NOT the right way to go, instead go for the other ones as mentioned.
I already sent them a mail saying that I am disgusted about this article and the veterinarians view and that declawing is NOT a human way to solve the issue to them but I am still upset.
Warm regards
JAY Persian Cattery
Makham Bay, Phuket
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