HELLO LISTERS I HAVE ONE MALE AVALAIBLE I PREFERY GOOD HOME AND SMALL CATTERY WITHOUT CAGES AND BREEDER SERIOUS. HE'S A BLACK TABBY SPOTTED COLOUR . CHOCOLAT TABBY CARRIER TABBY POINT CARRIER PKD NEGATIVE BOTH PARENTS HE HAS SIX MONTH OLD I INVITED JOIN IN MY SITE BYE BYE AND THANKS TOO JAUME MUNTANE & TERRAALTAPERSIUM ---- Todas las fotografias, videos,imágenes,archivos y texto estan totalmente prohibidas su reproducción, divulgación y/o copia sin el previo permiso por escrito y firmado de Jaume Muntane. All photographs, videos, images, and text files are completely prohibited reproduction, disclosure and / or copying without permission in writing and signed by Jaume Muntane. | ||||||
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