Hi dear Tina, oh yes he is very promising!!!! Wonderful baby!! Hugs Barbara KRANEWITTER´S PERSIANS A U S T R I A *************************************** http://www.barbara.kranewitter.at -------Originalmeldung------- Von: roggenstein-cats Datum: 23.05.2010 19:13:51 An: forsale_kittenpersians-list_@yahoogroups.com; glamorouspersians@yahoogroups.com; letstalkpersians@yahoogroups.com; persian-fanciers@yahoogroups.com; persian_exoticlovers@yahoogroups.com Betreff: *****SPAM***** [PER] too cute for words Hi Everybody, I need to share a few new pictures of my little baby boy in silver mac tabby white! I know he is just 4 weeks old but I think he is very promising and just too cute for words! Hope you don't mind!!! He is out of CFA GC,RW + TICA DGC + EC., TNT Purrfect Precious Metal x CFA CH + Ch. Roggenstein' So sad we can't keep them all so he will be available Hugs Tina Tina Heigl Cattery Roggenstein CFA Cattery of Excellence AOL IM: tinaroggenstein | ||
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