Of course they would not use American Shorthair in Britain.
I guess you did not get my point, so by your own admittance if the three cats never produce a shorthair, once again, you have a cat that looks like a persian, breeds like a persian and beats persians in the show ring at times.
Other things you and your purist buds can do
- show a "pure persian" and a ELH to 10 CFA judges, let them tell you which one is which
- tell me a genetic test that will distinguish one from the other
If the purists want the ELH to be removed from championship status, then all CPCs have to go too, as they are truely "bastard cats".
I have made my points and the discussion is really fruitless to carry on further.
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 09:38:42 -0600
From: adonispersians@att.net
To: persian-fanciers@yahoogroups.com; akaranapersians@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: [PER] throw away breed Exotic Long Hair prevented from breeding to persian male inCFA
NO, they never used any of the American shorthair (which never was called that until later I believe) and brits in world war 2.....to help the Persians...I know they broadened the gene pool on Russian Blues in WWll with Siamese.... And if you knew your genetics...and I am not attacking you but you will NEVER get a ESH from 3 exotic long hairs...no matter how many litters you do...Exotic short hairs used out crosses of these derivatives not very long ago...like in 1979 and possibly until 1982? Maybe someone will knowledge of when CFA stopped allowing these out crosses can tell us...Angela Angela Scott-- Adonis Persians -------Original Message------- From: Klaus and Lisa Jackson Date: 3/8/2010 9:53:45 PM Subject: RE: [PER] throw away breed Exotic Long Hair prevented from breeding to persian male inCFA It is interesting to note that in Britain during WW-II some of the breeds you list being used in the ESH (and are responsible for the ELH impurity) were actually used to preserve the persian breed, the purity you and many seem to want to preseve went out of the window right then. The persian is a pedigreed cat, not a pure cat. In regards to ELH, please anyone take three ELH (one male, two females) of your choosing and breed five litters with them, if you get one ESH in any of those litters, confirmed by genetic testing of the parents and offspring, I will agree with you and join your efforts. A cat that looks like a persian, breeds like a persian and actually has beaten persians in the show ring, I would call that a persian. Klaus & Lisa Jackson Akarana Exotics and Persians http://www.akaranac To: furtherinquiries@ From: christinet@thelines Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2010 22:18:41 +1300 Subject: RE: [PER] throw away breed Exotic Long Hair prevented from breeding to persian male inCFA Hi Rose, I would really like to know who in their wisdom decided to call them Exotic Longhairs. It is the most uncreditable decision anyone could make. It is a Persian for heavens sake. No more no less. I cannot and will not understand why. Ridiculous. Christine
From: Persian-Fanciers@
Is there interest in seeking to promote the Exotic Long Hair as a breed of its own, as it would seem that preventing this breed from being bread back to persian males (the CFA rule) would essentially cause this breed to be a "throw away" breed and I belief after all the efforts that have gone to produce such beautiful cats that this is truly unfortunate. I hope there will be interest in promoting this. Blessings Rose Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft. Get it now. | ||
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