I would hope no breeder really "throws away" a cat. What is meant by the term (in my way of thinking) is that the cat cannot be used for breeding or showing, and thus must be sold as a pet. Hopefully to a good home. Which are becoming harder to find BTW.
I am wondering, what exactly happens to a "throw away" cat? I have a little black boy who I rescued. He is the sweetest little cat! I can't even think about someone doing something cruel to one of God's true gifts to us!!!!
Lois Adamek
Shelby Twp Michigan
--- On Tue, 3/9/10, jer dawn <jerdawn@gmail.com> wrote:
From: jer dawn <jerdawn@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [PER] throw away breed Exotic Long Hair prevented from breeding to persian male inCFA
To: "Keely Carabott" <carabottcats@yahoo.com>
Cc: "Persian-Fanciers" <Persian-Fanciers@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Tuesday, March 9, 2010, 11:18 AM
On Mar 8, 2010, at 1:24 PM, Keely Carabott wrote:I personally wouldnt regard ANY cat as THROW AWAY!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! Neither do I, but the fact remains that many many Persians are being thrown away because of the large numbers available and the poor economy. That is very sad and I just don't want to see it exacerbated by adding yet more to the breed.I argument was only to draw peoples attention to the way in which the dog fancy deals with breeds which have various coat lengths ...teh dog fancy has been estblished a great deal longer than teh relavtively young cat fancy.It is NOTHING to do with money - just common sense! I respectfully disagree with it being common sense to add more problems.Everyone is entitled to do as they wish in their own breeding programmes.. .but the fact remains that there is NO genetic differentiation betweeen a so called 'pure persian' and an exotic longhair. I find it hard to believe that is true when there has to be a gene somewhere in the background to have created a shorter coat in one or both parents.Persian breeders WOULD NOT be getting that ONE gene if they were to introduce an ELH in their breeing programme, as the shorthair gene CAN NOT be carried - unike the case of colourpoint. This doesn't really make sense to me. A gene is a gene and they don't just go away.Furthermore, if we want to consider what is a 'cross breed' as you so all them - I think if we were to examine the origins of most breeds we would struggle to find a breed that can honestly claim 'purity', albeit for handful of natural breeds. I have already addressed this. I'm aware that Persians are not PUREbreds, but there are many years of selective breeding behind them to acquire the facial features and the coat length along with other traits. Thus we call them PURE even tho no creature on earth that I know of is really pure from it's inception.Finally, the production of ELH can not be blamed for the number of unwanted pets - this is an issue which every breeder must consider before producing kittens of any breed I didn't say it would be blamed for the number of unwanted pets, I said it would ADD to the number of unwanted pets in a breed that already has too many of those.Well, these are more thoughts of the issue. I do appreciate your thoughts even though it appears that I am being argumentative. Truly I'm only trying to point out the potential problems.Keelywww.caramiacats. com
carabottcats@ yahoo.com
From: jer dawn <jerdawn@gmail. com>
To: Keely Carabott <carabottcats@ yahoo.com>
Cc: Persian-Fanciers <Persian-Fanciers@ yahoogroups. com>
Sent: Mon, March 8, 2010 8:43:58 PM
Subject: Re: [PER] throw away breed Exotic Long Hair prevented from breeding to persian male inCFA
Keely,Of course you want to have your ELH to be considered the same as Persian. That way you can get more money for your otherwise "throw away" kittens. But those who raise Pure Persians do not want that ONE gene in their lines.It is admirable that you are honest enough to tell perspective buyers that they are getting a mimic breed, but many will not take the chance of losing money or losing a sale and will not be as honest.In this economy we don't need to muddy the water and call a Part Persian a Pure Persian. I'm seeing many nice Persian kittens being petted out and going to sell than ideal pet homes. Do we really need to increase those numbers by adding yet more?When the ESH breed was first started there was much concern about the long hair variety being passed off as Persiand and it was stated that would NEVER happen. It's the old "camel nose under the tent" scenario. Now the push is on to do exactly what we were afraid would happen.Some may be OK with having a cross breed included as a Persian, but many die hard Persian breeders absolutely do not want that. I admit to being one of the latter group for reasons I stated in a previous post.DawnaOn Mar 8, 2010, at 3:12 AM, Keely Carabott wrote:Given that the difference between a 'persian' and 'exotic' can be singled down to one specific gene for coat length...I think that the cat fancy could learn a lot from the dog world on this issue.There are many breeds of dog which recognise different coat lengths - eg: chihuahua, daschund, collie, fox terrier...to name but a few.Presuming that we are all in agreement that an exotic has exactly the same type as a 'persian' ...indeed many ELH are fabulous examples of the Persian breed ...then I dont see why we cant do the same - same breed but different coat varieties!Most orgnisations have adopted this approach and allow free breeding - regarding longhairs as Persian and shorthairs as Exotic.There is no 'GENETIC' basis for distinguishing between an Exotic longhair and 'pure persian'! Apparently only in CFA?As a breeder of exotics I find longhairs a very useful part of my breeding programme - all longhairs which we produce are ELH in CFA and I define them as such so that onlookers can make their own decisions as to whether or not they wish to use in a 'pure persian' programmme.Keelywww.caramiacats. com
carabottcats@ yahoo.com
From: r zozman <furtherinquiries@ yahoo.com>
To: Christine Tracey <christinet@thelines .co.nz>; angela scott <adonispersians@ att.net>; Persian-Fanciers <Persian-Fanciers@ yahoogroups. com>
Sent: Mon, March 8, 2010 5:53:25 AM
Subject: Fw: [PER] throw away breed Exotic Long Hair prevented from breeding to persian male inCFA
Dear Listers: So far this is what has become of help towards trying to prevent the "Exotic Long Hair"/Persians from being difficult to sell or buy because of the CFA rule that prevents them from being bred back to persian males. Unless a group of breeders takes sufficient interest in assisting to promote the breed to its proper standing as a Persian or given a status of its own, this breed will continue to be difficult to sell or buy and prevent the honorable recognition of this most beautiful cat and the breeders thereof .
Why should this designation be such a discouraging barrier without the potential to produce short hair when breeding only long hair together?. In my opinion I would like to see the ELH seen as a Persian as an ELH carrier. Each breeder should be able to determine which trait in the Persian lines they choose to produce, even in the Persian breed there are traits that need to be chosen or excluded such as tabby, chincilla, smoke, CPC, solid, blue eyes, etc. What damage would it do for CFA to require that any of these could no longer be bred back to a Persian male?
Even if enough response here could be generated, this in itself could be presented to CFA. I hope that there will be tremendous support. Of course, it is well beyond me. Blessings, Rose
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