Hello my Dear, Congratulation to this sweet boy. What for big eyes he has. I like him very much and hope you find a nice home for this beautyful boy. The pictures are so nice, thanks for sharing. Hugs Conny Cornelia Lutz ~~ El Shetlajas Persians ~~ Germany CFA reg. & PKD neg tested Cattery skype: elshetlajas1 -------Originalmeldung------- Von: perser Datum: 30.07.2010 18:26:00 An: Persian-Fanciers@yahoogroups.com; Persianforsale@yahoogroups.com; persianbreeders@yahoogroups.com Betreff: [PersianLoversUnited] Prettypawcat Limited Edtion
Hello Friends Now I want you to show new pictures of Prettypawcat Limited Edition. He is 10 months old. (Lines Artemis, Pajeans, Harwood) I hope you like it. At the end of the year it is available. I wish you a nice weekend !!!!! Greetings Doris
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